4.05 How to use Live chat?

4.05 How to use Live chat?

What is Morph Messenger (Website Live Chat)?

Live chat is a tool to engage, support and retain customers and provide real-time assistance to website visitors. Many business owners see live chat as yet another tool, just like email or phone, that can be used to contact customers. However, it is one of the more flexible tools you can use on your website. It helps you to:

1) support customers in need of help

2) increase your sales by engaging the right prospects at the right time

3) generate new leads

Live Chat customisations

Morph.ai helps you to customise your Live chat widget as per your requirements. You can change/add multiple features to match the chat bot with your website theme. 

1) Add Persistent Menu in your bot - You can add a menu option , where the users can find shortcuts to specific needs.

2) Multiple modes of the widget - There are multiple options for the chat widget to suit the space available on your website. You can use a default normal sized widget or use the compact or extra compact versions.

3) You can customise the button label and add your company logo as shown in the above image.

4) Change the theme of the widget- Change the blue colour of the widget to match with your website theme. You can also change the text colour, title and subtitle as shown in the below image.

Customise theme of the Widget

How Businesses are using Live Chat

Here are a few examples of how businesses are using Live Chat on their website:

1) Customer Support

Many businesses use Live chat to resolve user queries. Live chat is the fastest way to help customers with their queries on your website.

Healthcareil - Customer Support Live Chat

2) Engagement - Apart from support, the other main use of live chat is online sales. Live chat can also be used as an upselling tool that can help you make the most of each sale. Whenever a customer who already wants to buy something asks a question, you can suggest other products that would go along with their order to maximise the value.

Ellementry - Online Sale Live Chat

3) Lead Generation: After all, sales is not just converting potential customers who are ready to buy right now but also learning more about leads who might buy in the future.

Kansaz - Lead generation Live Chat

How to integrate live chat

You can create your Live chat widget under source on the Morph.ai platform. You can customise the bot widget on Morph.ai platform as shown in in the below image:

Once you have customised the widget, the platform generates a script that can be integrated in your website code. You can use the below link to get more details on how to integrate the script on your website.

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