Audience tab is a very useful feature on the platform and can be a vital tool to determine the performance of the bot along with planning for growth and improvement. As already learned in earlier chapters, it serves as a mini CRM and you can find the list of all users interacting with the bot.
You can filter a list of users by using the '
Add Filter' button, which lists all the attributes that can be used to create a filter condition as indicated in the image above in filter block. These attributes can either be any data properties collected on the platform, or any other pre defined system properties like last user message, create time, last message time, current campaign and many others.
You can apply multiple filters at once to view a required list of users. The total number of users that satisfy all the filters conditions is indicated at the bottom of the tab as shown in the above image (indicated by the arrow).
In case of multiple filters, the platform lets the user to modify the filter expressions to get the desired result. For example in the above image, the filter expression is
(1 and 2) as shown in filter expression block. The platform lists all the users who have shared both their email
AND phone number on the bot. Total users -
424Now using the same filters, if we want to see the list of users who have either shared their email id
OR phone number, we can fulfil this by changing the filter condition to
(1 or 2) in the filter expression block as shown in the below image. Total users -
You can apply a combination of filters to derive the bot performance and take further actions to improve the numbers on the bot.
How this helps you improve your user experience on the bot and get better numbers!