[Facebook] How to build a Real Estate Chatbot

[Facebook] How to build a Real Estate Chatbot

🏘This article will help you create a Real Estate bot that can be connected with your ad campaigns and helps you get more contactable leads. 

platform helps you create your own Real Estate bot by following some simple steps using a Real Estate Lead Generation template. This predefined template allows you to:
  1. Interact with your customers and collect their preferences
  2. Educating customers about your agency
  3. Use Landing Page to get new leads
  4. Schedule an appointment
  5. Help users request a callback
  6. Help users browse properties for sale and rent
  7. Help users sell their properties
  8. Send discounts and special offers

Test out this link to check how it worksClick Here
Video Link -  Click Here

Getting Started

Get started by creating a account on the Morph.ai platform using your email id. Once you have created your account, the platform provides you a list of predefined templates. You can choose any of the predefined templates as per your use case. In this article we will use the Real Estate Lead Generation template and help you customise it according to your needs.

Customising template conversations

Once you have chosen a template and created a campaign, you would need to choose that campaign as shown in the below image.

The template has pre-defined conversation modules in the Chat Flow > Conversations tab and you can customised these conversations as per your need to create your bot. Lets go through each conversation module one by one:

  1. Landing Page Demo - This is the starting conversation. You can modify the welcome message by using images and some detail to introduce your bot to the user.
    You can also change the 
    CTAs that helps user to continue, as per your need. IsAdUser is a property that is marked as true in add the CTAs that will help in identifying all the users coming to the bot through your ads or email/SMS campaigns.
    For more help on how to customise the message and using buttons and Quick replies as CTAs, you can use the below links:
    How to build a message
    How to use Buttons and Quick Responses
  2. About Us - This conversation helps the user get more details about your agency.
  3. Landing Page Main - This conversation talks about your offerings - Buy/Rent/Sell.
  4. Buy/Sell/Rent These conversations help collect users preferences and provide uses with options.
  5. Use the below link for more details on use of use of properties and importance of validations: 
    How to set properties and add validations
  6. Request Callback - User can request a callback from the agency and we can collect users phone number and email.
  7. Schedule Meeting - User can schedule a meeting with any of the agents.
  8. Get Started - This is one of the system conversations This automatically gets triggered when a user comes directly on the bot through your Facebook page , or if someone types hi, hello, hey or any similar keywords.
  9. FallbackThis is also one of the system conversation, which is triggered when your users type in something your bot cannot recognise, for example — they typed in something that doesn't match any of your Keywords or FAQs defined in the bot.
    Use the below link for more details on use of Keywords:
    How to trigger actions using keywords
  10. Nurturing Flow 1 ,2 ,3 - These conversations are used to reinitiate chat with the user as conditional follow ups.
Now that you have modified all you conversations, you can integrate some of the the frequently asked questions in the Chat Flow > FAQs tab by clicking on the 'Create New' button.

Use the below link for more details on How to create a FAQ:

Setting up conditional follow-ups

Morph.ai platform provides a uniques feature name 'Workflows' that are automated conditional follow-up messages that help brands to reinitiate chat with the users and keep them engaged on the bot and are helpful in reducing the number of lost leads drastically.

Use the below link for more details on conditional follow ups:

Testing and Going live

Now that you have created your chat flow and defined the follow up conditions, we are ready to deploy and test our bot on a dummy page, before going live.

Use the below link for choosing the channel and adding/creating a Facebook page on the platform:
How to deploy your bot

Now that you have added the dummy page and deployed your bot, how to bring your users on the bot?

'Source' tab helps you connect your bot with your campaigns. The platform supports two ways of directing users to the bot from your campaigns.

1) Ads JSON - Help connect your Facebook ads with your bot. Users clicking on these adds will be redirected to the bot. You can check out more details using the link:  > Ads JSON

2) Referral Links - This is a direct link to the bot and can be integrated with your Google Ads and can be shared in Email/SMS campaigns.
Check out more details using the link:  > Referral Links

Use the below link to test out your bot using the 'Audience Tab':
Congratulations, you are now ready to go live with your bot. Add your official Facebook page on the platform in the Channel tab as done earlier for the dummy page and create Ad JSON and referral links to be integrated with your campaigns.

Real-Time Monitoring

Going live with the bot is just a small part of your journey to maximise you lead count using a lead generation chat bot.

The most important part of bot creating is monitoring the activities that are happening on the bot in real time and actively reaching out to the leads to get maximum conversations.

'Audience' tab acts as a mini CRM on the platform and helps you to access all the activities happening on the bot. It lists down all the users who have interacted with the bot. You can click on the users name to check out users profile and view the data values collected for a user along with his/her interaction with the bot. 

You can apply multiple filters to view a desired set of audience. You can also export the data using the export button.Use the below link to get more details about export:

In case, it is easier for you to view your leads in your brand CRM, the platform allows you to pass your leads to your CRM in real time. There are multiple ways to do so. To check this out in more details, refer to the below link:

How to pass leads to CRM

Analysing Performance and Improvement

'Audience' tab, which acts as a database of all the users and allows us to apply filters specific to the data values collected on the bot. You can segment users over various attributes/combination of attributes that helps you gain deeper insight. For more details on how to use filters, use the below link:

How to use filters and filter expression

The platform also incorporates in place analytics for conversations and buttons. 
For more details check out the below link:
How to use internal conversation/button analytics

Lastly the platform, offers an 'Analyse' tab that has predefined reports in the form of important metrics and graphs that provide a deeper insight about the performance of the bot.Use the below link to get more details:
How to use Analytics tab

Hope this article helps you create an amazing bot for your Real Estate firm/agency.

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